Fantasy Cut Gem History

Fantasy cut or also know as, "Concave Cut" was invented by Bernd Munsteiner in the early 1990's. 

While traditional gem cutting methods focused on symmetry and preserving carat size. Bernd rebelled against these traditional methods and believed that when a gemstone can be appreciated without any mountings, it becomes a work of art.

He developed a method of cutting curved, 3D facets onto the back of gemstones.  Each facet contains depth, length, and width.

This technique is designed to capture the most light within the stone to create a truly unique, mesmerizing effect.

But, this method is very time-consuming and removes almost 10% more carats than traditional methods.

This is why fantasy cut gems are rarely seen in the commercial space.

Iggi jewelry is inspired by Bernd's fantasy cut gems.  We agree with Bernd's philosophy of appreciating the gem without any mountings. 

Our Floating Gems Collection is designed to allow the natural beauty of these fantasy cut gems be revealed.